ODA project final meeting was held in SHSG
A final meeting of the project “Development of Hydrographic and Oceanographic Infrastructure in Geor
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Production of navigational charts at SHSG
In the State Hydrographic Service of Georgia, Georgian and Korean specialists work together on creat
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SHSG has drawn out two points of research equipment in Anaklia and Kulevi waters.
The State Hydrographic Service of Georgia carried out two units of research equipment located in the
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SHSG has placed researching equipment in kulevi and Anaklia waters
The State Hydrographic Service of Georgia has placed two units of special oceanographic research equ
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Minister of economy and sustainable development of Georgia congratulated WHD staff of SHSG
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Working group meeting of UHO was held in Tokyo Japan
Giorgi Kartvelishvili, Head of the Hydrographic Survey, Carto
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Radio Navigation telex training
Nika Miminoshvili, head of the radio navigation division of the State Hydrographic Service of Georgi
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ENC quality and conversion training hold in Turkey Istanbul on MAY 19-25
Manana Kirtadze, a cartographer of the State Hydrographic Service of Georgia has participated in t
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empowering women in hydrography-forcaster Marina zarnadze
Marina Zarnadze, forecaster of the State Hydrographic Service of Georgia. Mrs. Marina has been work
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Black and AZOW Seas working group meeting was held in Istanbul
Giorgi Kartvelishvili, Head of the Hydrographic Research, Cartography and Correction Division of the
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SHSG started aero photography in cartography
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia State Hydrographic Service of Georgia
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works for the project of Development of Hydrographic infrastructure in Georgia was scheduled
Online meeting was held between State Hydrographic Service of Georgia, South Korea Hydro
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SHSG has updated multi centre management system
The State Hydrographic Service of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia has
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Giorgi Rurua was certified as CAT B cartographer
Above mentioned training course was fully provided by Oceanography and Hydrography Agency of South
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SHSG at IALA conference held in Tokyo
The State Hydrographic Service of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia pa
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Cartographer Manana Kirtadze participated at Training-seminar held by IHO and NIppon foundation.
Manana Kirtadze, cartographer-corrector of the State Hydrographic Service of Georgia participated on
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Researchers from South Korea conducted evaluation of ODA project
On initiative of the South Korean Oceanography and Hydrography Agency (KHOA), a group of researchers
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Staff of SHSG has passed 1 month job trainings at South Korea
SHSG Cartographer and corrector Manana Kirtadze and specialist of Hydrographic Survey and informati
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visit of founder of MOBILIS to SHSG
The founder of the company MOBILIS Francois Juniet has visited SHSG and presented production of abov
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Tide station was installed in Batumi Sea port.
State Hydrographic Service of Georgia and the Hydrographic Agency of the Republic of South Korea are
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visit of South Korea republic ambassador
Ambasador of South Korea Republic Mr. Kim Tong Op paid a two-day visit to the State Hydrographic Ser
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4th stage of ODA project has started in Georgia
SHSG has installed special oceanographic equipment in Poti annd Supsa Grigoleti waters which dete
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GSHS has attended IALA workshop at Singapore maritime Port authority
Aleksandre Zarkua, head of the technical service and monitoring department of the State
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Georgia attended IHO 3rd assembly and hydrographic exhibition in Monaco
On May 2-5, the State Hydrographic Service of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of
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SHSG has equipped with new boat
SHSG has equipped with new boat. which will simplify mainenance and working processes for technical
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Head of hydrographic Survey, cartography and correction Department of SHSG Giorgi Kartvelishvili was awarded with B category Survey Cartographer certificate
Head of hydrographic survey cartography and correction of Hydrographic Service of Georgia Giorgi Ka
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New flashing lanterns were installed on Batumi oil terminal harbor land mark
The LEPL State Hydrographic Service of Georgia of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Developmen
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Cartographer of SHSG Manana Kirtadze passed ERSI trainings
Manana Kirtadze, cartographer of the Lepl Georgian State Hydrographic Service of the Ministry of Eco
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British ambassador to Georgia Mr. Mark Clayton has visited SHSG
British Ambassador Mark Clayton has visitied SHSG. In th frame of visit to SHSG Mr. Clayton visitie
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New navigational mark was placed at Poti Sea Port
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia SHSG has replaced old amortized navigati
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meteorologic buoys has been updated in Poti and Batumi waters
The State Hydrographic Service of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia has
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Geodesy measures are conducted in Batumi Sea Port.
As a result of changable seashore contour SHSG periodically conducts geodesic measures in the Batu
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Head of hydrographic Survey, cartography and correction department attends trainings for B category survey hydrographers at South Korea
Raising the qualification of staff and increasing professionalism is one of the priorities of the St
full versionTidal Benchmarks were placed in Anaklia and Batumi
In the frame of South Korea project Establishing of Oceanographic Infrastructure in Georgia Korean s
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SHSG has celebrated ceremony of donation hydrographic survey catamaran and release of post stamps of navigational lighthouses of Georgia
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JULY 1- World Aton Day
We celebrate aids to Navigation Day on July 1. Above mentioned date was established by the initia
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Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia has congratulated Hydrographers on professionals day.
June 21 is Hydrography Day. International society, each maritime nation and Georgia as well celebrat
full versionGeorgian State Hydrographic Service has installed a new meteorological station in Batumi port.
The Georgian State Hydrographic Service of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
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The third phase of the Hydrographic Infrastructure Development Project in Georgia has started
The third phase of the Hydrographic Infrastructure Development Project in Georgia has started, which
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State Hydrographic Service of Georgia participated at MBSHC 23
The State Hydrographic Service of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia par
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GSHS conducts planned works in the ports of Georgia
In the purpose of providing safe navigation SHSG conducts complex hydrographic works in the maritime
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Georgia has signed the Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Director of State Hydrographic Service of Georgia Mr. Revaz Babilua has signed Convention on the Int
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SHSG employees has passed qualification upgrading trainings at South Korea
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia LEPL SHSG head of Cartography, Hydrograph
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Korean specialists conduct ODA-project audit in Georgia
In the frame of the ODa project representatives of South Korea Oceanographic and Hydrographic agenc
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Complex works conducted by SHSG
Complex works are conducted by divisions of SHSG. Oceanographic equipment (TRBM) determining water
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AtoN rehabilitation
LEPL “State Hydrographic Service of Georgia” of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
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Hydrographic Infrastructure development project in Georgia
The Georgian State Hydrographic Service of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Ge
full versionSHSG installed new meteo station at Poti Sea Port
SHSG has replaced amortized meteorological station at Poti Sea Port with a new station produced by w
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SHSG has participated on MBSHC online conference
The Georgian State Hydrographic Service of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
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New printing room at SHSG
New printing room was set u at SHSG equiped with modern printing systems and equipment for printing
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Meeting regarding expandation of Poti Sea Port was held at SHSG
The meeting related to Poti Sea Port explanation was held at SHSG. The meeting was attended by repre
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In the frame of ODA project SHSG was granted with specil Charting Programs
MInistry of Economy and Sustainable Development o Georgia LEPL SHSG in the frame of ODA project was
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Online meeting was held regarded ODA project
An online meeting on the ODA project was held today at the Georgian State Hydrographic Service of t
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In the frame of ODA project bathymetric measures are held
In the frame of ODA project Hydrographic Surveys are conducted by State Hydrographic Service of
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Ongoing activities in te frame of ODA project at SHSG
In the frame of KHOA ODA project hydrographic infrastructure development activities are held in the
full versionIn the frame of ODA project installation of
IN he frame of ongoing ODA project held in SHSG on initiative of South Korea Oeanographic and Hydrog
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South Korea granted hydrographic equipment to SHSG
In the frame of ODA project (Official Development Assistance) the meeting with technical group
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Discussing Poti Sea Port expansion project at SHSG
SHSG hosted the meeting regarding Poti Sea Port expansion project. The meeting was attended by repre
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SHSG conducts maintenance and paintings works of aids to navigation
SHSG of Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of georgia has conducted planned maintenance
full versionSHSG continues implamantation of innovative hydrographic technologies
Installation of innovative hydrographic technologies at the maritime responsibilit zone of Georgia i
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July 1, International day of Aids to Navigation
According to the decision taken by IALA today, on First July we celebrate World Marine Aids to Nav
full versionLuigi Sinapi has been elected as a new Director at International Hydrographic Organization
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Batumi Mall beacon
Batumi sea port mall beacon was built in 1904. Before electrification the source of the light was
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Covid 19 preventing disinfaction works at SHSG
Disinfection works have been carried out in order to prevent spread of new Corona virus (COVID 19) a
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State Hydrographic Service of Georgia attended IALA 4th diplomatic conference
“State Hydrographic Service of Georgia” took part at IALA 4th Diplomatic Conference at Malaysia. I
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MOU has been signed between SHSG and Tbilisi State University
Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between state Hydrographic Service of Georgia and Tblisi
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SHSG specialists at UKraine State Hydrographic Service
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia LEPL SHSG cartographer Manana Kirtadze an
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SHSG specialists at UKraine State Hydrographic Service
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia LEPL SHSG cartographer Manana Kirtadze an
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Sukhumi lighthouse was granted the status of status cultral heritage of Georgia
On initiative of Ministry of Economy and sustainable Development of Georgia status of Cultural herit
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IALA experts has visited SHSG
IALA World Wide Academy Dean, Mr. Omar Frits Eriksson visits Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Dev
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marinist exhibition ,,Sea shore city\"
Today, the exhibition ,,City by the sea\", consisting of of Group of marine art paintings of the art
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Recent charity activity of SHSG
Today we have visited vilnerable family child Omariko Dumbadze. Employees of SHSG has visited vulner
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SHSG has equipped with total station theodolite integrated with GNSS reciever
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development “ Georgian State Hydrographic Service” is supplied w
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A final meeting of the project “Development of Hydrographic and Oceanographic Infrastructure in Geor
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